Wednesday, 29 February 2012

From England to France!

mardi le vingt-huit fevrier

Bonjour, glad you're having a good time and hope you have a good week.

We have done lots of exciting things including using oil pastel in art, filming each other doing a weather report and designing our own french flags!

We have been learning french words too; rose, marron, noir, vert, jaune, bleu and rouge, mademoiselle, merci and au-revoir.

Where are you off to tomorrow?

Missing you all, we are having a outstanding time!

Zack, Katie, Adam, Paige, Maddison, Josh and Miss Pearce x

1 comment:

  1. Wow James looks like your having a fantastic time in France Uncle Keith & Auntie Emma will look forward to hearing all about it take care X
