Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Day 3

We've had another great day full of adventures!  We went on a walk into Criel Sur Mer, we loved all the different styles of houses and shops we were so busy looking around that Emily forgot to look where she was going and managed to walk into a lamp post! Luckily Emily was ok and managed to just about finish off her cake! We went to the local shop and the post office to buy postcards and stamps, we've written them and tomorrow at the market we will post them.  I'm sure we'll be back before they are! 

We visited a local patissiere where we tried to use our best French to ask for a cake.  We tried really hard and choose some simply amazing cakes.  Check out the pictures! We have to admit that some of us were beaten by the monster cakes but Dominic was determined he was not going to be beaten!

We headed off to the Cider farm where we met Susan who told us all about her apple orchard and explained how she makes cider, cider vinegar and brandy using a traditional method. Then we had a refreshing drink of apple juice before we walked back to the Chateau.

After lunch we went to our activities; we took part in fencing and archery.  We had loads of fun and learnt many new skills. Following our activities we went for a walk to the adventure playground.  We had a fanatstic time challenging each other and ourselves to go round as many times as possible.  Maddie and Luke were going for the record!

The beach was our next destination.  We collected pebbles and shells, made pictures in the sand and tried to skim stones into the sea. It was great fun, no sun burn for Mrs Nicholls and Mr Mitchell this year!

To end day three we dressed up in our French costumes and tried snails and frogs legs. We then danced the night away and strutted our stuff on the dance floor.  Alexsander A was amazing us with his dancing moves!

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