Tuesday, 7 February 2012

(hello, how are you?)

Wow, we are here, and even more incredibly we are now online!

We began by meeting our travelling party at Manchester Airport where it was clear to see that Shavington won the prize for being most overweight (...luggage thankyou!)

2 planes, 2 buses, 2 days and too many games of eye spy brought us safely to the wonderful town of Mikumi, Tanzania.

After Janet and Robert did a superb job of welcoming us into Tanzania and transporting us 150 km (9 hours, although seeing elephants, giraffes and zebra's beside the road made it different to my previous experiences with eye spy!) we met up with the amazing Isaac from TANZED. He has helped us settle into the Tanzanian lifestyle in no time.

Well, we have now had 2 days in Mikumi Town Primary School and we are making are making great progress with our target for the visit. We are trying to develop outdoor activity and learning in the school and are attempting to build a trim trail in the playground with materials they have in the area.

This seemed a great project when we were in England, however the 32 degree heat makes it rather difficult to dig holes! Luckily, we have the children are doing most of the work showing unbelivable skills, craftsmanship and teamwork. Classes have been working on measuring, halving, dividing, digging, sawing, plaining, drilling, chiseling etc. Needless to say, anyone who has seen my handy work before knows that i am the one learning lots from them!

I will attempt to put some pics on a separate blog as i got to this stage last night after 2 hours and when i tried to add in photos it crashed!

I hope you are all well and enjoying your last week before half term. Oh, and year 3, get back to work!!!!

Lots of love,

Mr Pennington and Mrs Penhall


  1. Habari Mr Pennington and Mrs Penhall

    It was lovely reading the blog this morning in School. The trim trail looks brilliant, you have done so much in two days. I believe you have had lots of help, especially from the children. I am looking forward to reading your next blog.I am pleased you are both well and having the most wonderful time in Tanzania, please send my love and best wishes to all the staff and children at Mikumi school.

    love to you both

    Mrs Wain

  2. Sounds like you are having an amazing time ! We all enjoyed finding out about your days there already and we CANNOT WAIT to skype to you all tomorrow.
