An unusually quiet week at Shavington Primary School this week and this was due to the fact that Year 6 were doing their Sat’s papers. They worked extremely hard and used their skills to achieve their best.
On Monday, year 6 are setting off for Italy at 3.30 in the morning! The itinary looks action packed, starting with a tour of Rome, stopping at the Vatican and the Coliseum and passing all the other main tourist attractions. Day 2 will be an early start to walk to the Treve Fountain and Rome’s main shopping area. The coach will then take them on to Sorrento where they will spend the evening. Wednesday will see them have a three hour escorted tour of all the sights in Pompeii and then move on to Reggio Calabria, where they will spend the next two days with our International Partner School. During this time they will be staying in a hotel near to the beach with a swimming pool and lots of sporting facilities. While they are there you can follow what they are doing by looking at our school blog and you will see a daily report and photographs of their activities and visits.
Mr Mitchell, the staff and children will try to Skype to the school while they are there. This will be shown in a whole school assembly.
Have a safe and enjoyable trip year 6 & staff....hi bells :-)