Thursday, 19 May 2011


  1. hope your all having a great time i miss you all especially Beth, Annalise and Dee it is so quite with out Ste lol hope you don't get to sunburn

  2. Roo's Mum and Dad19 May 2011 at 22:30

    Glad to hear from you tonight...sorry you have got a poorly knee....but you are being looked after very well
    Enjoy your last day tomorrow guys!!!
    Love The Chezzies x x

  3. Roo's Mum and Dad20 May 2011 at 10:02

    Hi Roo...
    Hope the knee is not too sore this morning and not stopping you from swimming and having lots of fun with your friends...
    Bet you can still out run Mr. Mitchell!!!
    Enjoy your last day
    Sleeper train later tonight...How fab..
    Ask Mr. Mitchell and Mr.Goodier-Page.....Which one is Jack Lemmon and which one is Tony Curtis!!!
    Love The Chezzies x x
